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Raise awareness to ensure that your constituents, customers and stakeholders are represented in vital U.S. Census Bureau household and business surveys.
Learn how to use our many data tools and products, get advice from our data trainers, and contribute to new tools that improve business, policy and American lives.


The Census Bureau is prototyping new ways to engage with partners and communities around the country by hosting ideation workshops.


Ideation Workshops

Collaborative problem-solving

Ideation (or "idea generation") workshops bring diverse people and organizations together to solve challenges — such as reaching hard-to-count populations — through a series of creative problem solving exercises. Participants generate new ideas with an approach that emphasizes empathy and is customized to the needs of the real people they are engaging. Those new ideas lead to real, actionable commitments.

Why run a Census Solutions Workshop?

Workshops can help address census challenges in a highly-engaging and innovative format.

It helps partners to better understand their audience and tailor-make solutions for them; forge new public-private partnerships; and act on innovative ideas.

It helps communities understand why the Census impacts their lives and provides them with new opportunities for civic action.

Make it happen

Reach out to learn more about running this style of workshop. We can provide sample agendas, detailed descriptions of suggested activities, an event planning checklist, and more!


Page Last Revised - August 18, 2022
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